4 - | a warning condition has been encountered during processing |
| of the utility. A warning message will have been written to the |
| SYSPRINT dataset. The utility has been executed |
| successfully. |
8 - | an error condition has been encountered during processing of |
| the utility. An error message will have been written to the |
| SYSPRINT dataset. Execution of the utility has continued. |
12 - | a serious error has been encountered during processing of the |
| utility. An error message will have been written to the |
| SYSPRINT dataset. Execution of the utility has been |
| terminated. |
Utility failure and restart considerations
If the database housekeeping utility fails to complete successfully (return code greater than 8), consult the error report in the SYSPRINT dataset to identify the cause of the problem. Refer to chapter 7 for a description of the message(s) appearing in the error report.
All deletes of Archive Manager objects completed up to the point of failure will be committed in the Archive Manager database. All DB2 updates performed for normalization of archive stub storage will be rolled back. DB2 updates are only committed on successful completion of the utility.
After correcting the error, the utility may be rerun normally. The utility will start housekeeping processing from the beginning of the table once again. No special actions need to be taken prior to
Archive Manager database maintenance
Following successful completion of the DB2 Manager database housekeeping utility, the Archive Manager database used for storage of migrated rows from the processed DB2 table will contain one or more deleted objects. In order to recover the index and tape and disk storage space occupied by deleted objects, the Archive Manager database maintenance procedure must be performed. Maintenance of an Archive Manager database is performed by executing the following Archive Manager utilities:
•OTASP040 – the object management utility. This will recover the index entries for deleted objects and update tape residency statistics to allow tape recycling to take place.
•OTASP030 – the database maintenance utility. This will recycle data from all tape volumes in one or more storage levels of an Archive Manager database whose level of active objects falls below a user- defined threshold.
Refer to the Archive Manager User Manual for a full description of this utility and of its use in the Archive Manager database maintenance procedure. Note carefully that automatic expiration of Archive Manager objects via this
114 | DB2 Manager User Guide |
| StorageTek Proprietary |