OTSN4301 | Lifecycle Director | Enter values |
| Archive Manager V2.6 |
Storage Level Definition
Primary index name ===> OTDB.V1R1.TEST.INDEX |
| ||
Storage level ===> 0 |
| More: | + |
Database blocksize ===> |
| ||
| |
Maximum blockcount per volume ===> |
| B ===> |
Unit name for scratch allocn: A ===> |
| ||
C ===> | D ===> |
| |
Tape usage options: |
| Retention period ===> |
ICRC ===> |
| |
Dynamic load balancing ===> |
| or Expiry date ===> |
Volsafe enabled: A ===> | B ===> |
| |
C ===> | D ===> |
| |
D/b maintenance options: | % | Duplexing options: |
Recycle threshold ===> | Duplex during archival ===> |
| |
AUTOUNCAT during recycle ===> | % | Duplex during backup ===> |
Disk compress threshold ===> |
| |
Disk copy options: |
| Primary alloc ===> |
Unit name ===> | days |
| |
Initial retention ===> | Secondary alloc ===> |
| |
Release unused space ===> | days | Dataset blocksize ===> |
Maximum blockcount ===> |
Figure 2 - storage level definition panel OTSN4301
4.Fields on panel OTSN4301 should be entered as follows (see Figure 2):
Database Enter the value ‘32760’. blocksize
Unit name for Enter the unit name(s) to be used by Archive scratch Manager when dynamically allocating primary
allocation and backup copies of new tape datasets in storage level 0 in this Archive Manager database. These should be a 1 to
All other fields on this panel are optional. Refer to the Archive Manager
User Manual for a description of these fields and their usage.
After all required entries have been made, press 'ENTER'. When all entries have been accepted, the primary index Access Method Services panel OTSN4302 will be displayed to enable customization of the primary
DB2 Manager User Guide | 29 |
StorageTek Proprietary |