OTD20060 Task tnnn has been shutdown successfully
Explanation: A request to purge the identified
Action: None. This is an informational message.
OTD20061 Invalid Display operand(s) – request ignored
Explanation: An invalid operand has been entered with the DISPLAY operator command.
Action: Ensure that the DISPLAY command is specified correctly and
OTD20062 Maxtrdr=nnn Maxdrdr=nnn Maxtwtr=nnn Maxsched=nnn Maxqlen=nnn
OTD20062 Retaintape= nnnn Tapewait=nnnn Objsize=nnnnn OTD20062 Readtimeout=nnnn Writetimeout=nnnn
OTD20062 Scheduler qlen=nnn unlocked lkd/Xnnn; held request qlen=nnn
Explanation: This group of messages is displayed in response to an operator DISPLAY command, and gives a summary of current control region configuration settings.
For a locked scheduler queue display, ‘Xnnn’ identifies the lock owner, where ‘X’ is the resource type (‘M’ = master task, ‘S’ = scheduler task, ‘P’ = external program), and ‘nnn’ is the resource number.
Action: None. This is an information message only.
OTD20063 Task tnnn: Status=aaaa Qlen=bbb
DBid=cccc Stg_level=d Tape=eeeee Lastuse=hh:mm:ss
Explanation: This message is displayed in response to a detailed or summary operator DISPLAY command. For summary commands, it will be displayed once for each subtask in the control region, where:
‘t’ identifies the
aaaa’ indicates the task status, and can take the following values:
NULL – the task has not yet been initialized
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