OTD20019 Error locating DB2 Manager ASCB Jobname
Explanation: An error has been detected attempting to locate the ASCB for the DB2 Manager control region, or retrieving the started task name assigned to the control region.
Action: This indicates an internal error in DB2 Manager processing. Report the error to your local DB2 Manager product support representative.
OTD20020 Lifecycle Director V1.1 initialization starting
Explanation: This message is displayed at start of control region initialization processing.
Action: None. This is an informational message.
OTD20021 Initialization completed successfully
Explanation: All control region initialization processing has been performed successfully.
Action: None. This is an informational message. If COMMAND=REPLY has been specified in the DB2 Manager parameter library member TAPECNTL, it will be followed by message OTM20000.
OTD20025 Error xx Reason xxxxxxxx received during authorization code checking
Explanation: An internal error has occurred during authorization code checking. Control region initialization processing is aborted.
Action: This is an internal error. Report the problem to your DB2 Manager product support representative.
OTD20026 Control region already initialized - job terminating
Explanation: An attempt has been made to start the DB2 Manager control region, but a control region is already active in the same system image. Initialization of the second control region is terminated.
Action: Ensure that any existing control region execution is terminated before attempting to start the control region.
OTD20027 System abend 'xxx' intercepted – processing will continue
Explanation: A system abend has been intercepted during control region operation. The system abend code is 'xxx'. Control region processing will continue.
DB2 Manager User Guide | 145 |
StorageTek Proprietary |