Action: Refer to the Archive Manager User Manual for an explanation of the return and supplementary codes displayed in the message. Take the appropriate corrective action and
OTD25412 Unrecoverable error condition - disk reader task nnn terminating
Explanation: An error condition has been encountered during processing of a request by disk reader task ‘nnn’, and the task is unable to recover. The request will be terminated with an error condition and the reader task will terminate. The value of the MAXDRDR initialization parameter will be automatically decremented by 1.
Action: Examine the system log for other DB2 Manager messages giving information about the original error condition. Take the appropriate corrective action and
OTD25413 Error xx received writing SMF record
Explanation: An error has been detected by a disk reader task writing a record to the SMF dataset. ‘xx’ gives the return code received from the SMFWTM macro. Disk reader task processing will continue normally.
Action: Refer to IBM documentation for an explanation of the return code displayed in the message. Take the appropriate corrective action to resolve the problem.
OTD260xx – control region writer messages
Messages from DB2 Manager control region writer tasks are written to the system log.
OTD26001 Invalid ODWH received on entry
Explanation: An invalid writer task header control block has been encountered by a tape reader task during initialization processing. Writer task initialization will be terminated.
Action: This condition indicates an internal error in DB2 Manager processing. Retain as much information about the error as possible and report the problem to your local DB2 Manager support representative.
OTD26002 Unable to get exclusive access to TAPEWRITER resource
Explanation: A tape writer task has been unable to gain exclusive access to the tape writer request queue within 1 minute. Processing of the request continues, but request queue integrity in the DB2 Manager control region may have been compromised.
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