OTD26007 Tape wtr task nnn abend Sxxx intercepted
Explanation: A system abend has been intercepted during operation of tape writer task ‘nnn’. The system abend code is 'xxx'. Tape writer processing will continue.
Action: A system abend has been trapped during processing of a migrated row storage request. If possible, DB2 Manager will recover from the abend.
If it is not possible for DB2 Manager to recover from the abend, the tape writer task will be terminated abnormally.
The problem should be reported to your DB2 Manager product support representative.
OTD26009 Tape wtr task nnn terminated
Explanation: Tape writer task number ‘nnn’ has terminated processing in response to an operator command, or following an unrecoverable error condition.
Action: None. This is an informational message.
OTD26011 Return code xx Supp codes X'yyyyzzzz' received opening updating committing closing d/b dddd, T=Wnnn
Explanation: An error has been received by tape writer task ‘nnn’ accessing the Archive Manager database with identifier ‘dddd’, for the type of processing identified in the message. ‘xx’ gives the return code received from the Archive Manager call, and ‘yyyy’ and ‘zzzz’ give supplementary error codes 1 and 2. Processing of the current request is terminated with an error.
Action: Refer to the Archive Manager User Manual for an explanation of the return and supplementary codes displayed in the message. Take the appropriate corrective action and
OTD26012 Unrecoverable error condition – tape writer task nnn terminating
Explanation: An error condition has been encountered during processing of a request by tape writer task ‘nnn’, and the task is unable to recover. The request will be terminated with an error condition and the writer task will terminate. The value of the MAXTWTR initialization parameter will be automatically decremented by 1.
Action: Examine the system log for other DB2 Manager messages giving information about the original error condition. Take the appropriate corrective action and
164 | DB2 Manager User Guide |
| StorageTek Proprietary |