A print report is issued by the utility giving details of the execution parameters, the row restore selection criteria and summary information about the rows restored from Archive Manager.


The DB2 Manager row restore utility performs the following functions:

It will process and validate a series of execution parameters from a SYSIN file, and an SQLIN object selection parameter which will govern execution of the utility. The utility will then obtain information from DB2 about the table to be updated.

It will scan the DB2 table, and select migrated rows for restore from the Archive Manager database which satisfy the selection criteria specified in the SYSIN dataset. An entry is written to an internal table for each selected row.

After all rows in the table have been processed in this manner, the utility will sort all entries in the table into ascending database sequence. This will allow the utility to access the migrated rows in the most efficient manner, with the minimum amount of tape handling processing.

The utility will process the sorted table sequentially. For each entry, the utility will update the corresponding table row by setting the archive indicator column (OTDBIND) back to ‘0’. This will cause the row to be retrieved from the Archive Manager database, and the 18-byte archive stub (in the table’s archive partition) to be replaced by the actual row (in one of the table’s non-archive partitions).

Following successful update of a row, all subsequent access to that row will be satisfied from the DB2 table as normal. Access to the migrated row will have been lost. Storage space within the Archive Manager database for that row may be reclaimed by executing the DB2 Manager database housekeeping utility (as described on page 109).

At the end of processing, a report will be produced giving the total number of rows which have been restored.

JCL requirements

The following JCL may be used to execute the utility:



//STEPLIB DD DSN=Database.Manager.load.library,DISP=SHR

//DD DSN=Archive.Manager.load.library,DISP=SHR


//OTASxxxx DD DSN=Archive.Manager.index.dataset,DISP=SHR













DD entries should be specified as follows:


DB2 Manager User Guide


StorageTek Proprietary

Page 97
Image 97
StorageTek 312564001 manual Exec PGM=OTDBP120,REGION=4096K