Explanation: An error has been received attempting to execute the system macro identified in the message. ‘xx’ is the return code received from the macro call. Execution of the utility is terminated with condition code 12.
Action: Consult IBM system macro documentation for a description of the error. Take the appropriate corrective action and
OTD13009 DB2 CAF error occurred during CONNECT OPEN CLOSE DISCONNECT processing. Return Code = xxx, Reason Code = X'yyyyyyyy’
Explanation: A DB2 Call Attachment Facility error has occurred attempting to perform the type of processing identified in the message. ‘xxx’ gives the return code and ‘yyyyyyyy’ the hexadecimal reason code returned by the Call Attachment Facility. Execution of the utility is terminated with condition code 12.
Action: Refer to the DB2 Application Programming and SQL Guide for a description of CAF error and reason codes. Take the appropriate corrective action and
OTD13010 SQL Error during execution of xxxxxxxx command SQLCODE = xxxx
Explanation: An error has been received executing the SQL command identified in the message. Processing of the utility is terminated with a condition code 12. The following SQL commands may appear in this message:
DESCRIBE, PREPARE, DECLARE, SET, EXECUTE, OPEN, FETCH, CLOSE, COMMIT. The message will be followed by a line containing parameters from the appropriate SQL error message.
Action: Refer to the DB2 Messages and Codes manual for a description of the SQL error code displayed in the message. Take the appropriate corrective action and
OTD13011 DB2 Table contains Large Objects (LOBs) or 'distinct types’
Explanation: The DB2 table specified in the SQLIN file cannot be processed, because it contains large objects (LOBs) or ‘distinct types’. Tables containing these entities are not eligible for migration using DB2 Manager. Execution of the utility is terminated with a condition code 12.
Action: Check that the correct DB2 table name has been specified in the SQLIN file. If not, correct the entry and
OTD13013 Retrieval using the specified KEY fields cannot be made via
INDEXONLY processing |
DB2 Manager User Guide | 131 |
StorageTek Proprietary |