OTSN4302 | Lifecycle Director | Enter values |
| Archive Manager | V2.6 |
| Access Method Services Control |
Primary index name ===> OTDB.V1R1.TEST.INDEX
Primary index control: |
Volume serial number ===> |
Unit of allocation ===> |
Primary allocation value ===> |
Secondary allocation value ===> |
Data CI size ===> |
Index CI size ===> |
Delete before define? ===> | (Y/N) |
Press ENTER after all details have been entered correctly.
After all database definition parameters have been accepted, the primary index will be allocated and initialized.
Figure 3 - Access Method Services control panel OTSN4302
Primary For primary index definition (panel OTSN4302), allocation value enter the number of cylinders to be used for
allocation of the primary data extent of the index dataset. Each object containing migrated rows will occupy 40 bytes of index storage. The maximum number of migrated rows is set using the OBJSIZE parameter in the ENVCNTL parameter library member. Ensure that the primary index allocation value is sufficient to contain the highest number of objects that are expected to be held in this Archive Manager database.
For journal or journal archive definitions (panels OTSN4303 and panel OTSN4304), refer to the Archive Manager User Manual for a discussion of sizing of these datasets.
Secondary Enter the required secondary allocation value for allocation value the index or journal datasets, as appropriate.
Data CI size Enter the control interval (CI) size to be used for allocation of the data component of the dataset. This should be a valid VSAM control interval size. If omitted, a control interval size of 16k is used for the data component.
Index CI size Optional entry. Enter the control interval size to
DB2 Manager User Guide | 31 |
StorageTek Proprietary |