If no apparent cause of the error can be identified, contact your DB2 Manager product support representative.
The ECSA storage used for the DB2 Manager communications table in this invocation of the control region will be unavailable for allocation until after the next IPL of the system. Approximately 200 kbytes of storage are used for the communications table in extended CSA storage.
OTD20095 Communications table storage area freed
Explanation: The storage area obtained from subpool 241 in extended CSA during control region initialization processing has been successfully released during control region shutdown. Processing continues.
Action: None. This is an informational message.
OTD20096 Shutdown processing complete
Explanation: DB2 Manager shutdown processing has been completed successfully. The control region will terminate normally.
Action: None. This is an informational message.
OTD220xx – control region scheduler messages
Messages from the DB2 Manager control region scheduler are written to the system log.
OTD22001 Scheduler initialization error: invalid control block
Explanation: An invalid control block has been encountered by the scheduler task during initialization processing. Control region initialization will be terminated.
Action: This condition indicates an internal error in DB2 Manager processing. Retain as much information about the error as possible and report the problem to your local DB2 Manager support representative.
154 | DB2 Manager User Guide |
| StorageTek Proprietary |