182 TASCAM GigaEditor 4 Manual
3. Add and edit your iMIDI rule (t he current version of Giga Studio supports one rule per instrument).
Click OK to apply the rule.
4. Sav e the instrume nt as a performa nce instrument. Use the instrum ent performanc e option (.gsi  le)
or custom performance settings to save just the instrument settings with the performance.
5. In the future, when this perform ance is loaded, the iMIDI Rules will be loaded along with the
instrument. iMIDI Rules applied i n this way are part of th e performance, not part of the .gig le.
iMIDI Rules in the Instrument Editor
1.  e instrument needs to be op ened in the Edit or and loaded to a MIDI channe l. Otherwise, th e
iMIDI Rule Manager will be disabled.
2. Right-click on the instrument and choos e iMIDI Rule Manager... from the context menu.