202 TASCAM GigaEditor 4 Manual
Portamento Reshaping Filter Tab (Customi zing Profiles)
Extended portamento controls a nd region specic P RF settings are accessed i n the Editor by right-clicking
on a loaded, PRF enabled instrume nt and selecting “Edit Mono Mode Rule”. Within the Mo no Mode Rule
dialog, the “Portamento Reshaping Filter” tab contains the region specic PRF parameters.
Note: To Open the extended PRF co ntrols in the Gi gaStudio works tation, right c lick on a PRF ena bled
instrument in the loaded instrume nts pane and select “iMIDI Rule Manager”; highlight t he Mono Mode
rule and click “Edit ”. e “Porta mento Reshapi ng Filter” Tab co ntains the regi on specic P RF parameters.
Portamento Extended Contr ols:
Portamento extened controls are lo cated on the le hand side of t he PRF tab and give the user s pecic
control over the st yle and range of how an instrument slides from not e to note…
Continuous Control
Selects whether the portameno time (slide rate) wi ll be controlled internally or by a MIDI
Continuous Controller.
Max Portamento time
Sets the high (slowest) limit of the slide rate for this instrument (0-127)
Default Portamento time
Selects the default speed of the slide rate when loaded (0-127)
Minimum Portamento time
Selects the low (fastest) limit of the slide rate for this instrument (0-127)
Maximum Up Slide
Limits the upward slide range by 'n' notes, “0” implies there is no limit
Maximum Down Slide
Limits the downard slide range by ' n' notes, “0” implies there is no limit