OUTPut Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual 3–89
OUTPut Subsystem
Usage: The majority of the OUTPut command control the digital audio generator; two
are used to set the analog generator output impedance and select whether the
common is floating or referenced to ground. OUTput commands pertain only to
the generator. The DAUDio node contains commands used to control the output
of the digital audio generator. Commands under the CLOCk subnode are used
to adjust the main to ref clock phasing. set a variable clock frequency, and set a
frequency offset between the main and the digital reference clock frequency.
The CLOCk commands that are in effect depend on the setting of the :MODe
AUDio|DARS|VARiable command. Commands under the INTerface
subnode are used to control the digital signal parameters not related to the
generated audio signal.
Parameters: OUTput1 Analog generator Channel A
OUTput2 Analog generator Channel B
OUTput3 Digital generator Channels A and B
OUTput4 DSP generator Channels A and B (No commands for DSP)


Usage: Used to set the digital main to digital reference phase difference.
Units: Degrees
Resolution: Approximately 1.4 degrees (0.5 UI).
Range: –180 to 178.59 degrees.
Query: OUTP3:DAUD:INT:CLOC:PHAS:ADJ? returns the phase difference
between the digital main and the digital reference in unit intervals.
*RST: 0.00 degree

OUTPut3:DAUDio:INTerface:CLOCk:VFRequency <numeric_value>

Usage: Use to set a variable clock frequency when :CLOCk:MODe is set to VARiable.