CALCulate Subsystem (FFT Analyzer)
3–36 AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
Query: CALCulate[1–2]:TRANsform:FREQuency:STARt? returns the span
start frequency.
*RST: Sets STARt to 20
CALCulate[1–2]:TRANsform:FREQuency:SPAN <numeric_value>
Usage: Specifies the frequency span of FFT output.
Range: Range of span <numeric_value> is dependent on the input.
Range = (427/512) * Sampling Rate * 0.5 / Zoom Factor.
Input Sampling rate Range (Hz) Zoom factor
High Res 48 kHz 200.156 100
400.312 50
800.624 25
1000.78 20
2000.56 10
4003.12 5
5003.9 4
10007.8 2
20015.6 1 (Full span)
High BW 192 kHz 16012.5 5
20015.6 4
40031.2 2
80062.5 1 (Full span)
AES 48 kHz Same as for Hi Res
input Same as for Hi Res
AES 44.1 kHz 183.894 100
367.787 50
735.574 25