CALCulate Subsystem (FFT Analyzer)
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual 3–37
918.468 20
1838.94 10
3677.87 5
4597.34 4
9194.68 2
18389.4 1 (Full span)
AES 32 kHz 133.438 100
266.875 50
533.75 25
667.187 20
1334.38 10
2668.75 5
3335.94 4
6671.87 2
13343.8 1 (Full span)
Units: Hz
Query: CALCulate[1–2]:TRANsform:FREQuency:SPAN? returns the FFT
frequency span.
*RST: Sets the SPAN to full.
CALCulate[1–2]:TRANsform:FREQuency:CENTer <numeric_value>
Usage: Specifies the center frequency of FFT output.
Range: Range is dependent on the input. The actual frequency set depends on the
available resolution.
(Span * 0.5) to (Full span – 0.5 * span)
Units: Hz