PROGram Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual 3–97
PROGram:EXPLicit:TIMed:CLEar <progname>
Usage: Remove all the cron_strings for the function explicitly named by
PROGram:EXPLicit:TIMed:ADD <progname>,’cron_string’
Usage: Adds to the current set of cron_strings for the explicitly named program.
Usage: Command only. Clears any assignment to the User button, including an
application assignment.
PROGram:EXPLicit:USER[:NAME] <progname>
Usage: Assigns the named function to the User button.
Query: PROG:EXPL:USER? returns the name of the function assigned to the User
PROGram:EXPLicit:WAIT <progname>
Usage: Permits no further commands or queries to be executed until the explicitly
named function exits from the RUN state.
Query: PROG:EXPL:WAIT? <progname> returns a 1 in NR1 format when the
function state is STOP.