SOURce:FUNCtion Subsystem
3–122 AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
Range: 40 to 500 Hz
Resolution: 1 Hz
Query: SOURce:SIMD:IMFRequency?
*RST: 60
SOURce:SIMD:RATio <numeric_value>
Usage: Sets the amplitude ratio between the two frequencies of the SIMD signal.
Range: 1.0 to 8.0
Resolution: 0.1
Query: SOURce:SIMD:RATio?
*RST: 4
Usage: Generates a two-tone intermodulation signal. Both tones are typically swept in
tandem with a constant frequency separation. With appropriate parameter
choices, this signal can be used in a CCIF intermodulation distortion test. The
frequency setting is the center frequency. The two tones are placed above and
below the center frequency with constant spacing between the upper and lower
frequency. Ratio is the amplitude ratio of the two tones expressed in an integer.
The integer expresses the amplitude multiple of the lower-frequency tone with
respect to the amplitude of the upper-frequency tone and is commonly set to 1.
Note that the spacing, amplitude ratio, and center frequency are all selectable.
Setting the signals to other than those specified by the CCIF standard for your
testing make the signal no longer a CCIF standard signal.
Range: Center Frequency 20 to 20000
Spacing 00 to 1,000
Ratio 0.01 to 100