of Example:
MMEMory Subsystem
3–86 AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
Query: MMEM:DATA? <filename> returns the contents of the file in definite length
block data format. Again if the <filename> is a path string, single quotes
must be used around the filename string.
Example: MMEM:DATA? rom:/mtone/asgmton3.ton returns the contents of the
file used to generate MTONE1.
#3113am700 multitone 1.0 12
46.875 0
140.625 0
281.250 0
656.250 0
1031.250 0
2015.625 0
4031.250 0
8109.375 0
15000.000 0
The # symbol starts the definite length block data header, the first number
signifies the number of bytes used to give the byte count, and the remaining
three numbers give the byte count of the file data.
MMEMory:DELete [device:/]{path_name/}file_name
Usage: Deletes the named file.
Example: mmem:del dos:/tests/test1
The example command deletes the file named test1 in the tests directory
in the dos mass media device.
MMEMory:FEED data_handle
Usage: Sets or queries the <data_handle> to be used to feed data to the file
specified in NAME.