AMEasure Subsystem (Audio Analyzer)
3–8 AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
AMEasure[1–5]:MODE <char_data>
Parameters: XY|REGulation|RTDisplay
Usage: Sets or queries the operation mode of the designated AME. AME[1–4] may not
be set to RTD. AME5 may only be set to RTD.
Query: AME[1–5]:MODE? returns the operation mode of the designated AME.
*RST: AME[1–4] XY
Usage: Command only. Clears the reference trace for the given measurement.
AMEasure[1–4]:REFerence:FILE[:NAME] ’<file_name>’
Usage: Sets or returns the name of the file that is used by the LOAD and STORE
commands, to handle reference data. The file name includes the path. This
value is saved when the state is saved. However, reference data is not
automatically loaded when the instrument is started.
Example: AME:REF:FIL:NAME ’nvram:ref’ names the file “ref” in the “nvram”
directory as the file to be used by the LOAD and STORE commands for
reference data.
Query: AMEasure[1–4]:REFerence:FILE[:NAME]? returns the name of the
file designated to be used by the reference LOAD and STORE commands.
Usage: Command only. Loads the reference trace from the file name that was
previously set by the AMEasure[1–4]:REFerence:FILE[:NAME] command.