TRACe Subsystem
3–180 AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
the Audio Analyzer traces and the multitone traces. The fft trace queries return
the amplitude of the data, in dBu, in each bin only for each of the bins and the
monitor traces return the amplitude of the data points. You should always check
the number of data points if you ever query the trace data for monitor. The
compressed (unzoomed) display may contain up to 2 seconds worth of data
points at the sampling rate.
TRACe:DATA:VALue <trace_name>,<numeric_value>,X,Y
Usage: TRACe:DATA:VALue sets a particular point in a trace. The first argument is
the index of the point. For XY plots, the next two arguments are the X and Y
values of the point. For XY plots, the index can only be one more than the
number of points in the trace.
Example: TRAC:DATA:VAL AME1_REF,3,5000,0.75 appends a point to the
AME1_REF trace. Because the Audio Analyzer reference traces are sorted, the
point does not remain as the third point.
TRACe[:DATA]:VALue? <trace_name>,<numeric_value>
Usage: Returns the data point value of the named data point in the named trace. Two
arguments are required for the query.
Example: TRAC[:DATA]:VAL? fftmag_1,25 returns the amplitude of the 25th data
point in the trace. The units of the reply is dBu regardless of the vertical scale
setting of the trace in the view.
TRACe:POINts? <trace_name>
Usage: Queries the number of points of data in the trace given by <trace_name>.
The trace name must be one of the ones returned by TRAC:CAT? for the
running application. This command is useful for determining if there are points
in a trace, and, if so, how many there are. The monitor traces may have very
many points when fully compressed, and you may not wish to transfer 48KB of