GCONtrol Subsystem
3–70 AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
Example: gcon:anal:mode hres sets the Analog generator to high resolution mode.
Query: GCON:ANAL:MODE? returns the selected generator, HRES or HBWAN.
*RST: Sets the analog mode to high resolution, HRES.
Usage: Selects between the AES standard format generator or the DSP, digital signal
processor, as the source of the digital audio signal.
Query: GCON:DIG:MODE? returns the selected digital generator mode, AES or DSP.
*RST: Sets the digital mode to AES.
NOTE. Changing the digital generator type also changes the type of
digital acquisition. You cannot measure the AES input stream while in
DSP mode.
Usage: Turns the generator ON or OFF. Equivalent to the front panel generator ON
Query: GCONtrol:OUTPut:STATe? returns the state, ON or OFF of the signal to
the Analog Generator Channel A connector.
GCONtrol:OUTPut:STATe? returns the state, ON or OFF of audio
*RST: Sets the generator output state of OFF.