PROGram Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual 3–101
Usage: Command only. Assigns the selected function to the function user button.
PROGram:SELected:USER:STATe <nr1>
Usage: An nr1 argument of 1 assigns the selected function to the user button. If the
argument is 0, and the current setting is also the current function, the user
button becomes unassigned.
Query: PROG:SEL:USER:STAT? returns a 1 only if the selected function name is
assigned to the user button.
Usage: Wait for all instances of the selected function to finish. Permits no further
commands or queries to be executed until the selected function exits from the
RUN state.
Query: PROG:SEL:WAIT? returns a 1 in NR1 format if the selected function state is