HCOPy Subsystem
3–72 AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
Usage: Causes the currently visible screen to be printed to the currently-selected
hardcopy device, using the currently-selected hardcopy format.
Query: Event only, no query.
Usage: Aborts any printing currently in progress, and discards any print jobs which are
pending. Intermediate files are sent to a spool directory before being spooled.
The spool directory can hold 5 to 10 hardcopy intermediate files. Once a file is
spooled to the directory, the application which created the screen dump can go
back to making measurements. Hard copy spooling occurs in the background.
Query: Event only, no query.
HCOPy:DESTination <data handle>
Usage: This command allows the destination ”device” for hardcopy output to be set.
The following data handles are legal:
Parameters: SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERial1
MMEM for file
 for None
The first two <data_handles> direct hardcopy output to the COM1 or COM2
serial ports on the back of the AM700. The third one directs hardcopy output to the
GPIB in talk-only mode, and the last one directs the hardcopy to a file named by the
MMEM:NAME filename command in NVRAM. The GPIB port will not work
for hardcopy output if the GPIB is currently being used for remote control.
Example: hcop:dest syst:comm:ser1