Getting Started
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual 1–17

Figure 1–7: Hard Copy output file selector

This controls the choice of the color output for PostScript and TIFF formatted files.
When set to Color, printer output will be color formatted. If a copy format other
than PostScript or TIFF is used, the Color state is ignored, and the file is output as
monochrome (gray scale) only.
AM700 SCPI Control Model
The AM700 functional areas are divided as to task to perform. In a like manner
SCPI commands are organized to command the task required in each functional
area. The AM700 is logically divided between its hardware functions needed to
acquire signals for processing and the display of the results and its software
functions that do the signal processing needed to produce the measurement results.
The measurement results in most cases, consist of a display trace of the acquired
Copy Styles