Chapter 5 - Reports | Reports Overview |
5.1.5Report Sample Formats
The following pages show details of each report option.
The table beneath each report title indicates if the report is included in System, Revenue, Terminal and/or Employee totals.
The reports shown are samples and do not all balance with each other.
Any extra notes included for a particular line is right justified close to that line in the report.
A wavy line in the middle of a report indicates that part of it was “cut out” so a total could be included on the same page.
Report Headers
1/22/07 | 11:20pm | 001 |
| The time & date the report was taken. |
| The terminal where the report was taken. |
From 1/22/07 0:35 To | 1/22/07 23:20 |
Atlanta GA - TEC Diner
The report Name, the time period covered by the report.
Store name and location from System Setup.