6 F 3 B 0 3 6 2
6.3 Socket Interface Information
The information for the eight socket interface sockets held by the Ethernet Port can be read out with the T2N READ instruction. The Ethernet Port holds five words of socket status information for each socket. User programs should access this information as necessary when using socket interface transmission.
∙Remote port TCP/UDP port number
∙Remote port IP address
∙TCP/UDP port number for this socket
∙Socket status
Table 6.1 lists the structure of the socket interface information and the extended memory area addresses.
Table 6.1 Socket Interface Information
| Socket identifier |
| |
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Remote port number (TCP only) | 0F4BH | 0F53H | 0F5BH | 0F63H | 0F6BH | 0F73H | 0F7BH | 0F83H |
Remote port IP address (TCP only) | 0F4CH | 0F54H | 0F5CH | 0F64H | 0F6CH | 0F74H | 0F7CH | 0F84H |
| 0F4DH | 0F55H | 0F5DH | 0F65H | 0F6DH | 0F75H | 0F7DH | 0F85H |
Local port TCP/UDP port number | 0F4EH | 0F56H | 0F5EH | 0F66H | 0F6EH | 0F76H | 0F7EH | 0F86H |
Socket status | 0F4FH | 0F57H | 0F5FH | 0F67H | 0F6FH | 0F77H | 0F7FH | 0F87H |
For UDP sockets, the remote port number and IP address data are invalid.
The socket status has the following structure.
F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
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