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Chapter 9: Installation and Wiring
Describes the procedures for installing the Ethernet Port (and T2N), procedures for laying transmission cable, and the nature of the construction required.
Presents request code, completion status value, and error code tables and describes the minimum transmission delay times and execution times for each instruction.
Note that in addition to this manual, Toshiba also provides a T2N User's Manual - Basic Hardware and Function, a
∙T2N User's Manual - Basic Hardware and Function
Describes the configuration, specifications, installation and wiring techniques, maintenance, and preventive maintenance procedures for the T2N base system hardware and describes the function provided by the T2N CPU and the use of that CPU, and presents information required for creating user programs for the T2N.
Registered trademarks:
Describes the detailed specifications of the instruction words for the ladder and SFC program languages, which are two of the programming languages supported on the T2N.
Describes the specifications and use of computer link protocol transmission, which is built into the T2N CPU.
Ethernet is a registered trademark of Xerox Corporation.
Cheapernet is not a registered trademark, but rather is a common name.
3 Com and Etherlink III are trademarks of 3 Com Corporation.
Visual Ctt is trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Microsoft is trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
UNIX is trademarks of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc..
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