There is a unique light signal associated with each channel number. It indicates the status of the dedicated channel, as listed below.
9Off (Black)
The channel is not connected with any remote Video Server / Network Camera series product.
The green light means the Video Server / Network Camera series product associated with this channel number is connected, and the video is being monitored in the video area.
The orange light indicates the video from this channel is recording into the media database. In this mode, you do not need to click, drag, and drop the channel to the video area. This means the application software supports
The red light indicates the connection to server has been unexpectedly disconnected and Monitor is trying to reconnect to the server. There are several cases that will cause server is disconnected:
Authentication Fail–
Suppose user changes server from model A to model B by himself without using Camera Configuration tool which described in section 3.4. If the login passwords are different between those two models, the hint of “Authentication Fail” will be
popped up as shown in FigureX3-19:X
Figure 3-19 The Hhint of Authentication Fail
As shown in FigureX3-20,Xwithin such case, user can invoke authentication window by clicking corresponding channel number and
to reconnect to server. FigureX3-21Xshows the authentication window.