238 Appendix A: Parameter Lists
02R96—Owner’s Manual


One input, two output reverb and autopan effects in parallel.

Parameter Range Description
INI. DLY 0.0500.0 ms Initial delay before reverb begins
REV TIME 0.399.0 s Reverb time
HI. RATIO 0.11.0 High-frequency reverb time ratio
DIFF. 0.11.0 Spread
DENSITY 0100% Reverb density
HPF THRU, 21.2 Hz8.00
kHz High-pass lter cutoff frequency
LPF 50.0 Hz16.0 kHz,
THRU Low-pass lter cutoff frequency
REV BAL. 0100% Reverb and panned reverb balance (0% = all panned reverb,
100% = all reverb)
FREQ. 0.0540.00 Hz Modulation speed
DEPTH 0100% Modulation depth
DIR. 1
1. L<>R, L>R, L<R, Turn L, Turn R
Panning direction
WAVE Sine, Tri, Square Modulation waveform
SYNC OFF/ON Tempo parameter sync on/off
Used in conjunction with TEMPO to determine FREQ.