Avoiding breaks in operation due to dead batteries 5-4 BATT indicator 2-47, 3-7, 6-1, 6-14
Battery attachment 2-1 Battery status indicator 2-47, 6-14
BC-L120/M50 Battery
Charger 1-8, 5-1, A-6 Hunting 4-9
Using the BP-L60A/M50/ M100 Battery Pack 1-8, 2-1, 5-1, 5-26
BC-L120 1-8, 5-1, A-6 BCT-HD12CL 6-11, A-8 BKW-401 1-8, 5-11, A-7 Black balance
adjusting 4-2 error message 4-4 memory 4-5
BP-L60A/M50/M100 1-8, 2-1, 5-1, 5-26, A-6
BRIGHT control 2-15 Built-in speaker 2-12
C-74 1-9, A-7
CAC-12 Microphone Holder 1-8, 5-22
CAC-12 1-8, 5-22, A-7 Camera section
features 1-1 specifications A-2 testing 6-2
Camera synchronization
camera synchronization 4-44 changing to an external power supply 4-44
connection example 4-40 procedure 4-42 releasing time code synchronization 4-44 setting the user bits 4-43
Cameraman tally indicator 2-17 CANCEL/PRST / ESCAPE switch 2-32
Cassette tape loading 3-1 preventing accidental erasure 3-5
slack checking 3-3 unloading 3-3 usable cassettes A-6
CCfilter 2-18, 4-7 Center marker 2-16 Cleaning
BCT-HD12CL cleaning cassette 6-11, A-8 video heads 6-11 viewfinder 6-11
Color playback 3-56 Condensation 6-2 Continuous recording
continuous recording 3-12 continuous recording on previous cut (RE-TAKE function) 3-52