Service and Troubleshooting
The suction transducers have a range from 0 to 200 PSIG (13.79 BARG). The output will be linear from .5 VDC to 4.5 VDC over the 200 PSIG (13.79 BARG) range. Following is a formula that can be used to verify the voltage output of the transducer. All voltage reading are in reference to ground (unit case).
V = (Pressure in PSIG x .02) + .5
V = (Pressure in BARG x .29) + .5
where V = dc voltage input to micro Pressure = pressure sensed by transducer
Following are the microboard connections for the Suc- tion Transducer:
System 1 Suction Transducer
System 2 Suction Transducer
If the optional Suction Transducer is not used on the YCAL0014 - YCAL0060, a Low Pressure switch will be used. Following are the microboard connections for the Low Pressure switch.
System 1 Low Pressure Switch
System 2 Low Pressure Switch
Refer to the unit wiring diagram and Table 46. The digi- tal outputs are located on TB3, TB4, and TB5 of the microboard. ALL OUTPUTS ARE 120VAC with the ex- ception of
Each output is controlled by the microprocessor by switching 120VAC to the respective output connection energizing contactors, evap. heater, and solenoids ac- cording to the operating sequence.
120 vac is supplied to the microboard via connections at