Unit Controls
The YORK MicroComputer Control Center is a micro- processor based control system designed to provide the entire control for the liquid chiller. The control logic em- bedded in the microprocessor based control system will provide control for the chilled liquid temperatures, as well as sequencing, system safeties, displaying status, and daily schedules. The MicroComputer Control Cen- ter consists of four basic components, 1) microproces- sor board, 2) transformer, 3) display and 4) keypad. The keypad allows programming and accessing setpoints, pressures, temperatures, cutouts, daily schedule, op- tions, and fault information.
Remote cycling, demand limiting and chilled liquid tem- perature reset can be accomplished by field supplied contacts.
Compressor starting/stopping and loading/unloading de- cisions are performed by the Microprocessor to main- tain leaving or return chilled liquid temperature. These decisions are a function of temperature deviation from setpoint.
AMaster ON/Off switch is available to activate or deac- tivate the unit.
The Microprocessor Board is the controller and deci- sion maker in the control panel. System inputs such as pressure transducers and temperature sensors are con- nected directly to the Microprocessor Board. The Mi- croprocessor Board circuitry multiplexes the analog in- puts, digitizes them, and scans them to keep a con- stant watch on the chiller operating conditions. From this information, the Microprocessor then issues com- mands to the Relay Outputs to control contactors, so- lenoids, etc. for Chilled Liquid Temperature Control and to react to safety conditions.
Keypad commands are acted upon by the micro to change setpoints, cutouts, scheduling, operating re- quirements, and to provide displays.
24VAC is rectified and filtered to provide unregulated +30 VDC to supply the flow switch, PWM remote tem- perature reset, and demand limit circuitry which is avail- able to be used with field supplied contacts.