2Put the SMT in command interpreter (CI) mode by entering 8 in Menu 24 – System Maintenance.
3Enter the command “sys stdio 0” to disable the SMT timeout, so the TFTP transfer will not be interrupted. Enter command “sys stdio 5” to restore the
4Launch the TFTP client on your computer and connect to the ZyAIR. Set the transfer mode to binary before starting data transfer.
5Use the TFTP client (see the example below) to transfer files between the ZyAIR and the computer. The file name for the firmware is “ras” and the configuration file is
Note that the telnet connection must be active and the SMT in CI mode before and during the TFTP transfer. For details on TFTP commands (see following example), please consult the documentation of your TFTP client program. For UNIX, use “get” to transfer from the ZyAIR to the computer, “put” the other way around, and “binary” to set binary transfer mode.
23.4.5 Example: TFTP CommandThe following is an example TFTP command:
where “i” specifies binary image transfer mode (use this mode when transferring binary files), “host” is the ZyAIR’s IP address, “put” transfers the file source on the computer (firmware.bin
–name of the firmware on the computer) to the file destination on the remote host (ras - name of the firmware on the ZyAIR).
Commands that you may see in third party TFTP clients are listed earlier in this chapter.
23.4.6 Uploading Via Console PortFTP or TFTP are the preferred methods for uploading firmware to your ZyAIR. However, in the event of your network being down, uploading files is only possible with a direct connection to your ZyAIR via the console port. Uploading files via the console port under normal conditions is not recommended since FTP or TFTP is faster. Any serial communications program should work fine; however, you must use the Xmodem protocol to perform the download/upload.
23.4.7 Uploading Firmware File Via Console PortSelect 1 from Menu 24.7 – System Maintenance – Upload Firmware to display Menu24.7.1– System Maintenance – Upload System Firmware, then follow the instructions as shown in the following screen.
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