G-3000H User’s Guide

1.3.1 Access Point

The ZyAIR is an ideal access solution for wireless Internet connection. A typical Internet access application for your ZyAIR is shown as follows. Stations A, B and C can access the wired network through the ZyAIRs.

Figure 3 Access Point Application

1.3.2 Multiple ESS

The ZyAIR’s Multiple ESS function allows multiple ESSs to be configured on just one access point (the ZyAIR). Wireless stations can use different ESSIDs to associate with the same AP. Only wireless stations with the same ESSID can communicate with each other.

In this application example, wireless stations 1 and 2 both associate with the ZyAIR but cannot communicate with each other as they belong to different ESSs. Stations 1, 3 and 4 can communicate with each other. Similarly, stations 2, 5 and 6 can communicate with each other.

Station 1 relays communications via the ZyAIR within the Multi-ESS coverage area and with AP X if it moves to the RD ESS coverage area. Similarly, Station 2 relays communications via the ZyAIR within the Multi-ESS coverage area and with AP Y if it moves to the Sales ESS coverage area.

You cannot configure WPA on your ZyAIR in Multiple ESS mode.

Chapter 1 Getting to Know Your ZyAIR