Chapter 9 Voice

Table 57 VoIP > SIP > SIP Account (continued)



Warm Line

Select this to have the P-2812HNU-51c dial the specified warm line


number after you pick up the telephone and do not press any keys on


the keypad for a period of time.



Hot Line

Select this to have the P-2812HNU-51c dial the specified hot line


number immediately when you pick up the telephone.



Hot Line /

Enter the number of the hot line or warm line that you want the P-

Warm Line

2812HNU-51c to dial.





Warm Line

Enter a number of seconds that the P-2812HNU-51c waits before dialing


the warm line number if you pick up the telephone and do not press any


keys on the keypad.



Enable Missed

Select this option to have the P-2812HNU-51c e-mail you a notification

Call Email

when there is a missed call.





Mail Server

Select a mail server for the e-mail address specified below. If you select


None here, e-mail notifications will not be sent via e-mail.


You must have configured a mail server already in the Email


Notification screen.




Notifications are sent to the e-mail address specified in this field. If this

Notification to

field is left blank, notifications will not be sent via e-mail.





Missed Call

Type a title that you want to be in the subject line of the e-mail

Email Title

notifications that the P-2812HNU-51c sends.



Early Media

Select this option if you want people to hear a customized recording


when they call you.



IVR Play Index

Select the tone you want people to hear when they call you.


This field is configurable only when you select Early Media. See


Section 9.10 on page 216 for information on how to record these tones.



Music On Hold

Select this option to play a customized recording when you put people


on hold.



IVR Play Index

Select the tone to play when you put someone on hold.


This field is configurable only when you select Music On Hold. See


Section 9.10 on page 216 for information on how to record these tones.




Click this to save your changes and to apply them to the P-2812HNU-






Click this to set every field in this screen to its last-saved value.





P-2812HNU-51c User’s Guide