Philips HI 22, HI 32, HI 42, HI 312 manual

Page 6

If you do not know what kind(s) of fabric(s) the article has been made of, find a spot which will be invisible when wearing or using the article. Try out the ironing temperature which is most suitable there. Start at a relatively low temperature.

Pure woollen fabrics (100% wool) may be pressed with the iron set to a steam position. Preferably set the steam control (B) to maximum position. Use a dry pressing cloth.

When steam-ironing woollen fabrics, shining of the fabric may occur. This can be prevented by turning the article inside out and ironing the reverse side.

Velvet and other fabrics which rapidly acquire shiny spots should be ironed in one direction only (with the nap) applying light pressure. Always keep the appliance moving while ironing.

Iron the reverse side of synthetic materials and silk to prevent shining spots. Do not use the spray to prevent stains.

Filling with water (for steam-ironing and spraying)

-Remove the mains plug from the wall socket before filling (or emptying) the iron with water. Set the steam control (B) to position O (= no steam) (fig. 2).

-Fill the filling cup (M) with water (max. 200 ml). Hold the iron in a tilted position and pour the water into the filling aperture (fig. 3) to the maximum level.

Fill the iron with normal tap water when using it for the first time.

For refilling, you can also use tap water. However, if the water is very hard, it is advisable to use distilled water.

Do not put vinegar, starch, chemically descaled water or descaling agents in the water reservoir!


Image 6
Contents HI 312/22/32/42 English F D B C O a J English Ironing temperature guide Page 9 T Ironing without steam Beware of the hot and powerful steam Self-cleaning » Cleaning Polski Page X0 9X Page Page Page Page Page Russkij Page Vybor temperatury glaΩeniä X0 9X GlaΩenie bez para Otparivanie sm. tablicuUvlaΩnenie T sm. tablicu Page Samoohistka » Posle procedury samoohistki OhistkaPravila xraneniä Âesky Page Page Syntetika Akryl Page Page Page Page Slovensky Page Page Nastavenie teploty viì tabuºka Îehlenie bez pary Naparovanie viì tabuºkaPozor na horúcu a intenzívnu paru Vertikálny impulz pary 9 len typ HI 332 a 342 viì tabuºkaSamoãistenie » Po ukonãení samoãistenia ÂistenieUloÏenie Magyar FontosPage Page Hœmérséklet szabályozás lásd a táblázatot Borostyánsárga jelzœlámpa I vasalás közben idœnként világítVasalás gœz nélkül Vasalás gœzzel lásd a táblázatotVízpermet T lásd a táblázatot Legyen óvatos a forró és erœteljes gœzkilövelléskorÖntisztítás » Tisztítás TárolásGarancia Eesti Page Page Süntees Kiud Nt akrüül Page Page Page Page Latviski Galvenås saståvda¬as fig Page Temperatüras reguléßana sk. tabulu Gludinåßana bez tvaika Gludinåßana ar tvaiku sk. tabuluËdens strükla T sk. tabulu Automåtiskå izslégßanås tikai modelim HIPaßattîrîßana » Tîrîßana GlabåßanaLietuvißkai Page Page Temperat∆ros nustatymas Ωr. lentel´ Lyginimas be gar¨ Lyginimas su garais Ωr. lentel´Purßkimas T Ωr. lentel´ Saugokit∂s karßt¨ ir stipri¨ gar¨Valymasis » Po valymosi ValymasPrietaiso laikymas Український Page Page Налийте воду до чашки для наповнювання М приблизно Регулювання температури див. таблицю Прасування без париПрасування з вiдпарюванням див. таблицю Режим «Додаткова пара» 0 лише у моделi НІ 312 див. таблицю Стережiться гарячого та потужного заряду париPage Функцiя самоочистки » Не зiгнiть i не пошкодьте голку регулятора париПiсля самоочистки ЧищенняЗберiгання Hrvatski Opis glaËala sl Page Podeπavanje temperature pogledajte tablicu Samo za model HI 342 verzija s automatskim iskljuËenjemSuho glaËanje GlaËanje s dodatnom paromGlaËanje uz prskanje vodom T pogledajte tablicu Budite paæljivi zbog jakog i vruÊeg mlaza pareAutomatsko iskljuËenje glaËala samo za model HI SamoËiπÊenje » Ne savijajte i ne oπteÊujte vrπak tipke za paruSpremnik za vodu nikada ne ulijevajte ocat, vodu iz koje je »iπÊenje Pohranjivanje glaËala nakon uporabeSloven~ina Page Page Sinteti~na Vlakna Npr. akril Page Prenje T glej tabelo Page Page România 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 4239 000