Model 9060Z Manual
level. With heated probes this relay will be de‐energised while the probe is heating up from ambient, making the contacts open circuit.
30.‘Cal 1 in Progress’
31.‘Cal 2 in Progress’
A calibration check is occurring, either manual or automatic mode.
32.‘Purge 1 in Progress’
33.‘Purge 2 in Progress’
A probe purge is occurring, either manual or automatic mode.
The three process alarm relays (relays 1 to 3) are user defined. The relay action will depend on the selections made in the COMMISSIONING menu functions #45 to #48.
The relay contacts are all designed to be “Fail Safe”. That is, they are
∙open when the transmitter power is off
∙closed when there is NOT an alarm condition
∙open when an alarm occurs
The contact will close circuit again (relay energised) when the alarm condition is acknowledged.
Choose to have the relays react to any or all of the following alarms or warnings –
Oxygen on probe 1 Low | Alarm |
Oxygen on probe 2 Low | Alarm |
Oxygen on probe 1 Very Low | Alarm |
Oxygen on probe 2 Very Low | Alarm |
Oxygen on probe 1 High | Alarm |
Oxygen on probe 2 High | Alarm |
Oxygen Deviation High | Alarm |
Probe 1 Temperature Low | Warning |
Probe 2 Temperature Low | Warning |
Calibration check on probe 1 in | Warning |
Progress |
Calibration check on probe 2 in | Warning |
Progress |
Purge on probe 1 in Progress | Warning |
Purge on probe 2 in Progress | Warning |
In addition to the above process alarms that can activate the process alarm relays, any of the common alarm relay events that have been taken off the common alarm list in COMMISSIONING menu function #49 will appear on the process alarm relay lists in function #46 to #48.