ac Alternating Current. Electric current that reverses its direction of flow periodically according to frequency measured in hertz, or cycles per second.
CO Central Office. Another name for the Line Card (LC), a card in the VCN AC chassis; the card provides an Ethernet port and an LMI port.
Constellation The digital bit rate per analog symbol.
dc Direct Current. Electric current that does not reverse its direction of flow.
DS Down stream. The direction in VDSL towards the user workstation. EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
Hz Abbreviation for hertz, electrical cycles pr second.
ID Identifier used for the management login procedure.
ISP Internet service Provider. A business that supplies Internet connectivity services to individuals, businesses and other organizations within a local area.
IT Information Technology
Krone connectors Connectors on patch cords used to connect or jumper patch panels
LAN Local Area Network. A group of computers and other devices dispersed over a relatively limited area and connected by a communications link that enables every device to interact with any other on the network.