Central Management 99
Change Ethernet Half or Full Duplex Mode
To set the Ethernet duplex mode on:
■one line
■all lines
■line cards in the VCN AC
■VCN APs and the lines cards in the VCN AC
1Type 4 in the Management Agent Menu (Figure 64) and press <Enter>; the Concentrator Configuration Menu (Figure 77) appears.
2Type 2 and press <Enter> ; the following dialog appears:
Which cards would you want to change?
Select: 1 - to change Line Cards only,
2 - to change Access Points only,
0 - for both:
3Type your selection and press <Enter>.
The system requests which line cards or VCN APs you want to change:
Enter port number (1 - 24, 0 for all): 1
4Enter a port number in the range 1 - 24 or select all by entering 0; the following dialog then appears:
Enter F - for full duplex,
H - for half duplex:
5Type f or h and press <Enter>.
The system confirms the change you selected with the statement that starts:
You are going to change the Ethernet mode
and completes the statement with the AP or AC port(s) you selected and the mode you selected. Then the statement appears:
Do you want to proceed (Y/[N])? :
■ confirm type y and press <Enter>; the statement appears:
Action has been done.
■cancel type n and press <Enter>; the statement appears:
Action has been canceled.