Agilent E1439 Programmer's Reference
Functions listed alphabetically
with other fiber interfaces before data acquisition begins. age1439_fiber_xmt_signals (on page 118) −sets the transmitted values of any PIO1,
PIO2, DIR or, NRDY FPDP control signals on the fiber transmitter. age1439_fiber_xmt_signals_get (on page 118) −displays the current value of PIO1,
PIO2, DIR and NRDY bits on the fiber transmitter. age1439_filter_bw (on page 120) −selects a signal filter bandwidth age1439_filter_bw_get (on page 120) −gets the signal filter bandwidth
age1439_filter_decimate (on page 120) −enables/disables and extra factor of 2 decima- tion
age1439_filter_decimate_get (on page 120) −gets current state of extra decimation age1439_filter_setup (on page 120) −sets the digital filter bandwidth and decimation fil-
ter parameters
age1439_filter_sync (on page 123) −synchronizes the decimation filter counter age1439_frequency_center (on page 128) −sets the center frequency age1439_frequency_center_get (on page 128) −gets the current center frequency age1439_frequency_center_raw (on page 125) −quickly sets the center frequency age1439_frequency_center_raw_compute (on page 127) −quickly calculates the values
for age1439_frequency_center_raw age1439_frequency_center_raw_get (on page 125) −gets the raw center frequency age1439_frequency_cmplxdc (on page 128) −selects a complex baseband measurement age1439_frequency_cmplxdc_get (on page 128) −gets the state of the baseband measure-
ment mode
age1439_frequency_setup (on page 128) −sets all the zoom center frequency parameters age1439_frequency_sync (on page 128) −prepares the module for a synchronous fre-
quency change
age1439_frequency_sync_get (on page 128) −gets the state of the synchronous change mode
age1439_front_panel_clock_input (on page 131) −specifies the source of the front panel clock
age1439_front_panel_clock_input_get (on page 131) −gets the front panel clock source age1439_init (on page 132) −initializes the I/O driver for a module age1439_input_alias_filter (on page 141) −include/bypass the
age1439_input_alias_filter_get (on page 141) −gets the
age1439_input_autozero (on page 134) −nulls out the input dc offset in baseband mode age1439_input_coupling (on page 141) −selects ac or dc input coupling age1439_input_coupling_get (on page 141) −get the input coupling type age1439_input_offset (on page 135) −sets the dc offset settings for the current range age1439_input_offset_get (on page 135) −gets the dc offset settings age1439_input_offset_save (on page 136) −saves the dc offset settings in NVRAM age1439_input_range (on page 141) −sets the full scale range age1439_input_range_auto (on page 137) −performs
age1439_input_signal_get (on page 141) −gets the input buffer amplifier state age1439_input_signal_path (on page 141) −selects baseband or IF signal path age1439_input_signal_path_get (on page 141) −gets the signal path state age1439_interrupt_mask_get (on page 146) −gets the interrupt event mask age1439_interrupt_priority_get (on page 146) −gets the VME interrupt line