AT-GS950/10PS Switch Web Interface User’s Guide
Port Configuration
To configure the MSTP parameters for each of the ports, perform the following procedure:
1.From the main menu on the left side of the page, select Bridge. The Bridge folder expands.
2.From the Bridge folder, select the Spanning Tree folder. The Spanning Tree folder expands.
3.From the Spanning Tree folder, select the MSTP folder. The MSTP folder expands.
4.From the MSTP folder, select MSTP Port Configuration.
Figure 26. AT-GS950/10PS MSTP Port Configuration Page
You may choose a port and configure its MSTP parameters on this page. The following information is displayed:
Port - Indicates ports 1 through 10 on the AT-GS950/10PS switch. You can select the All row to apply the same setting to all ports of your switch for the Point-to-Point Status, Edge Port, MSTP Status, Protocol Migration, AutoEdge Status, Restricted Role, Restricted TCN fields.
Path Cost - Specifies the cost of a port to the root.
Priority - Specifies the spanning tree port priority.
PointToPoint Status - Indicates if the port is connected to another network device (point-to-point) in the network topology. See “Point- to-Point and Edge Ports” on page 66 for more information.