Chapter 20: Voice VLAN
One or more ports in your voice VLAN must be configured as Static tagged or untagged members. Static VLAN members are permanent member ports of the voice VLAN and there is no dependency on the configuration of the devices connected to the ports. These ports might be connected to other voice VLAN network nodes such as other Ethernet switches, a telephone switch, or a DHCP server. The voice VLAN Auto- Detection feature cannot be enabled on Static tagged or tagged ports.
Any Static tagged members of the voice VLAN are required to have the port VLAN ID (PVID) configured to be the same as the voice VLAN ID. This insures that all untagged packets entering the port are switched within the voice VLAN as the voice data passes through the
If the IP phone(s) that you are installing cannot be configured with a VLAN ID, then the switch ports should be configured as Static tagged ports within the voice VLAN.
Link Layer Discovery Protocol for Media Endpoint Devices (LLDP- MED) is not supported on the