When You Have Problems Operating the Machine

When You Have Problems Operating the Machine



The following chart gives explanations of common problems and messages.


If other messages appear, follow the instructions displayed.


Check the contact address and Serial No. of Machine shown in the Service Call message (L), and then contact your service representative. If the contact address is not shown, contact your sales representative.







Nothing happens when

The main power switch

Turn on the main power switch.

the operation switch is

is turned off.


turned on.






Although the copier

Functions other than the

Wait a little longer.

screen appears when the

copier function are not


machine is turned on us-

yet ready.


ing the main power



switch, it cannot be



switched to another



screen by pressing the



{Scanner} key.






The machine has just

Functions other than the

Wait a little longer.

been turned on and the

copier function are not


User Tools screen is dis-

yet ready. Time required


played, but the User

varies by function. Func-


Tools menu has items

tions appear in the User



Tools menu when they



become ready for use.





The main power indica-

This occurs in the follow-

Check if the machine is communicating

tor continues blinking

ing cases:

with a computer.

and does not turn off

• The machine is com-


when pressed.


municating with ex-





ternal equipment.



• The hard disk is active.





The display is off.

The machine is in Energy

Press the {Energy Saver} key to cancel


Saver mode.

Energy Saver mode.




The display is off.

The operation switch is

Turn on the operation switch.


turned off.





The display is off.

The screen contrast knob is

Set the screen contrast knob to the light


turned to the dark position.

position to see the display panel properly.



See “Control Panel”, About This Machine.




Please wait.” ap-

This message appears

Wait for the machine to get ready.


when you turn on the op-



eration switch.