When a Message Appears














Updating the des-

The destination list has

If a destination or sender's name was al-



tination list...

been updated.

ready selected, re-select it after this mes-


Please wait.


sage disappears.


Specified desti-





nation(s) or





sender's name has





been cleared.









Exceeded max.

The number of files ex-

Reduce the number of files and send



number of files

ceeded the maximum

them again.


which can be sent

number possible.




at the same time.





Reduce the number





of the selected

















Exceeded max. No.

Search results have ex-

Search again after changing the search



of results to

ceeded the max. display-



display. Max.:

able number.









(A figure is placed at n.)









You do not have

The machine has not

Contact the administrator.



the privileges to

been set to allow you to




use this func-

use the function.













Exceeded max.

The maximum number of

There are 100 files waiting in the send-



number of standby

standby files was exceeded.

ing queue for e-mail, Scan to Folder, or


files.Try again


delivery functions. Wait until files have


after the current


been sent.






file is sent.









Exceeded time

A network error has oc-

Try the operation once more. If the mes-



limit for LDAP

curred and connection

sage is still shown, the network may be


server search.

has failed.

crowded. Check the information of Sys-


Check the server


tem Settings. See “System Settings”,



General Settings Guide.














The specified

The specified group con-

To select destinations for sending by e-



group contains

tains some destinations

mail, press [Select] for the message dis-


some destina-

for sending by e-mail

played on the e-mail screen. To select


tion(s) that do

and some destinations

destination for sending by Scan to Fold-


for sending by Scan to

er, press [Select] for the message dis-



not have access



played on the Scan to Folder screen.



privileges. Do






you want to se-





lect only the





privileged desti-




