Troubleshooting When Using the Printer Function













It takes a long time to

Processing time de-

Wait for a moment.



complete a print job.

pends on data vol-

Making the following setting on the printer




ume. High volume




driver may reduce the computer's workload.




data, such as graph-




• Select [Speed] in the [Print priority] on the




ics-heavy documents,




take longer to process.

[Print Quality] tab in the printing preferences




dialog box.









• Also, select the [User settings] check box, and





then click [Change User Settings...]. Select the





lower value for the [Resolution:] list on the





[Image Adjustments] tab in the [Change User








Settings] dialog box.





See the printer driver Help.








Print jobs take a long

If a print job is data

If the data-in lamp is blinking, data has been re-



time to complete.

heavy, it will take

ceived by the printer. Wait for a moment.




longer to complete.









Folding finisher




















Cannot specify folding.

The folding finisher is

When the folding finisher is offline, folding





cannot be specified.





Turn off the main power switches of both the





machine and folding finisher, and then turn





them back on again in the following order: fold-





ing finisher, and then the machine.





Then check the folding finisher is online.








Cannot specify folding.

The optional device is

Configure the optional device correctly using




not configured cor-

[Change Accessories...] on the printer driver. See




rectly on the printer

the printer driver Help.













Cannot specify folding.

Translucent paper or

Translucent paper and film are not available for




film was specified.

folding. They are delivered to the upper output





stacker, but not folded. Select another paper





type, and then specify folding.








Please wait.

The folding finisher is

Turn off the main power switch of both the ma-



appears on the dis-


chine and folding finisher, and then turn them



play panel and print-


back on again in the following order: folding



ing cannot be done.


finisher, and then the machine.





Then check the folding finisher is online.