When a Message Appears


















Connection with

The correct Network set-

• Check the network settings of the cli-



the destination

tings are not made.

ent computer.



has failed. Check


• Check that components such as the



the status and


LAN cable are connected properly.



connection. To


• Check that the server settings are



check the current


correct and the server is working



status, press





[Scanned Files
















The entered user name

• Check that the user name and pass-



with the destina-

or password was invalid.

word are correct.



tion has failed.


• Check that the ID and password for



Check settings.


the destination folder are correct.






To check the cur-


• A password of 128 or more charac-


rent status,


ters may not be recognized.



press [Scanned





Files Status].










Destination(s) or

Destination(s) or sender

Send e-mail after specifying the destina-



sender name is

name is not specified.

tion(s) or sender's name.



not specified.











Destination(s) have not

Send e-mail after specifying the destination(s).



have not been

been specified.














Sender has not

The sender's name was

A sender's name should be specified be-



been specified.

not specified.

fore sending e-mail. Send e-mail after





specifying the sender's name.








Exceeded max. E-

The maximum e-mail

• Increase the size of [Max. E-mail Size].



mail size. Send-

size has been exceeded.

• Set [Divide & Send E-mail] to [Yes (per



ing E-mail has


Page)] or [Yes (per Max. Size)].



been cancelled.


See “Send Settings”, General Settings



Check [Max. E-





mail Size] in





Scanner Features.










Sending the data

A network error has oc-

Wait until sending is retried automatical-



has failed. The

curred and a file was not

ly after the preset interval. If sending fails



data will be re-

sent correctly.

again, contact the network administrator.



sent later.










Transmission has

While a file was being

Try the operation once more. If the mes-



failed. To check

sent, a network error oc-

sage is still shown, the network may be



the current sta-

curred and the file could

crowded. Contact the administrator.



tus, press

not be sent correctly.

Press [Scanned Files Status] to display the




transmission results, and then check



[Scanned Files





which job has not been sent. See “Con-








firmation Displays”, Scanner Reference.