When a Message Appears
Alert Messages
This section describes the machine Alert messages.
Message | Cause | Solution |
| |
| |
Cannot connect | IEEE 802.11b interface | Turn off the machine and check the in- |
with the wireless | unit was not inserted | terface unit is inserted correctly. Then, |
| |
card. Turn the | when the machine was | turn the machine on again. If the mes- |
| |
main power switch | turned on. | sage appears again, call your service |
| |
off, then check |
| representative. |
| |
| |
the card. |
| 3 | |
| |
Cannot connect | IEEE 802.11b interface | Turn off the machine and check the in- |
| |
| |||
with the wireless | unit was pulled out after | terface unit is inserted correctly. Then, |
| |
card. Turn the | the machine turned on. | turn the machine on again. If the mes- |
| |
main power switch |
| sage appears again, call your service |
| |
| representative. |
| |
off, then check |
| ||
| |
the card. |
| |
Problems with the | A wireless card that the | Turn off the machine and check the in- |
wireless card. | machine cannot use has | terface unit is inserted correctly. Then, |
| |
| been installed. | turn the machine on again. If the mes- |
| |
| sage appears again, call your service |
| |
| representative. |
| |
| |
Problems with the | Access to the wireless | Turn off the machine and check the in- |
wireless board. | board in which the IEEE | terface unit is inserted correctly. Then, |
| |
| 802.11b interface unit is | turn the machine on again. If the mes- |
| |
| inserted is possible, but | sage appears again, call your service |
| |
| an error was detected. | representative. |
| |
| |
Problem with Hard | An error has occurred in | Turn off the main power switch, and back |
Disk. | the hard disk drive. | on again. If the message appears again, |
| |
| contact your service representative. |
| |
| |
The entered pass- | The password of the en- | Enter the correct password. |
word is incor- | crypted PDF file has |
rect. | been entered incorrectly. |
| |
Error has oc- | A syntax error, etc., has | Check the PDF file is not corrupted. |
curred. | occurred. |
| |
USB has a prob- | An error has occurred in | Turn off the main power switch, and back |
lem. | the USB interface. | on again. If the message appears again, |
| |
| contact your service representative. |
| |
| |
Hardware Problem: | An error has occurred in | Turn off the main power switch, and back |
Ethernet | the Ethernet board. | on again. If the message appears again, |
| |
| contact your service representative. |
| |
| |
Printing privi- | You tried to print a print- | You cannot print this document. |
leges have not | protected document. |
been set for this |
document. |