When a Message Appears

Alert Messages

This section describes the machine Alert messages.









Cannot connect

IEEE 802.11b interface

Turn off the machine and check the in-



with the wireless

unit was not inserted

terface unit is inserted correctly. Then,


card. Turn the

when the machine was

turn the machine on again. If the mes-


main power switch

turned on.

sage appears again, call your service


off, then check








the card.













Cannot connect

IEEE 802.11b interface

Turn off the machine and check the in-




with the wireless

unit was pulled out after

terface unit is inserted correctly. Then,


card. Turn the

the machine turned on.

turn the machine on again. If the mes-


main power switch


sage appears again, call your service






off, then check







the card.









Problems with the

A wireless card that the

Turn off the machine and check the in-



wireless card.

machine cannot use has

terface unit is inserted correctly. Then,



been installed.

turn the machine on again. If the mes-




sage appears again, call your service










Problems with the

Access to the wireless

Turn off the machine and check the in-



wireless board.

board in which the IEEE

terface unit is inserted correctly. Then,



802.11b interface unit is

turn the machine on again. If the mes-



inserted is possible, but

sage appears again, call your service



an error was detected.







Problem with Hard

An error has occurred in

Turn off the main power switch, and back




the hard disk drive.

on again. If the message appears again,




contact your service representative.






The entered pass-

The password of the en-

Enter the correct password.



word is incor-

crypted PDF file has





been entered incorrectly.








Error has oc-

A syntax error, etc., has

Check the PDF file is not corrupted.












USB has a prob-

An error has occurred in

Turn off the main power switch, and back




the USB interface.

on again. If the message appears again,




contact your service representative.






Hardware Problem:

An error has occurred in

Turn off the main power switch, and back




the Ethernet board.

on again. If the message appears again,




contact your service representative.






Printing privi-

You tried to print a print-

You cannot print this document.



leges have not

protected document.




been set for this




