| When You Cannot Make Copies As Wanted |
Problem | Cause | Solution |
In Erase Border, Erase In- | Originals are not | Place the originals correctly. |
side, or Erase Outside | scanned correctly. |
mode, parts of the origi- |
nal image are not copied. |
Parts of the image are not | Print Position Adjust- | Cancel Print Position Adjustment or Mar- |
copied. | ment or Margin Adjust- | gin Adjustment mode. See “Margin Ad- |
| ment mode is selected. | justment” and “Adjust Print Position”, |
| Copy/Document Server Reference. |
Parts of the image are not | You placed a custom size | Enter the size of the original, or set the |
copied. | original. | scanning area wider. See “Placing Cus- |
| tom Size Originals” and “Wide Scan”, |
| Copy/Document Server Reference. |
In Image Repeat mode, | You selected copy paper | Select copy paper larger than the origi- |
the original image is not | the same size as the orig- | nals or select the proper reproduction |
copied repeatedly. | inals, or you did not se- | ratio. |
| lect the proper |
| reproduction ratio. |
Problem | Cause | Solution |
When using Combine, | You specified a repro- | When you specify a reproduction ratio |
parts of the image are not | duction ratio that does | using Manual Paper Select mode, make |
copied. | not match the sizes of | sure that the ratio matches your origi- |
| your originals and copy | nals and the copy paper. Select the cor- |
| paper. | rect reproduction ratio before using |
| Combine mode. |
Copies are not in correct | You placed the originals | Start with the first page to be copied. |
order. | in the incorrect order. |
❖ Folding finisher
Problem | Cause | Solution |
The folding finisher is not | The folding finisher is | If the folding finishers is offline, turn off |
recognized (is offline). | turned off, or the folding | the main power switches of both the ma- |
| finisher and the machine | chine and folding finisher, and then turn |
| were not turned on in the | them back on again in the following order: |
| correct order. | folding finisher, and then the machine. |
| Then check the folding finisher is online. |
“Please wait.” ap- | The folding finisher is offline. | Turn off the main power switches of both |
pears on the display pan- |
| the machine and folding finisher, and then |
el and printing cannot be |
| turn them back on again in the following or- |
done. |
| der: folding finisher, and then the machine. |
| Then check the folding finisher is online. |
Cannot specify folding. | Translucent paper or | Translucent paper and film are not |
| film has been selected. | available for folding. They are delivered |
| to the upper output stacker, but not |
| folded. Select another paper type, and |
| then specify folding. |