Troubleshooting When Using the Scanner Function













E-mail address

The entered e-mail ad-

Make sure the e-mail address is correct,



entered is not

dress is incorrect.

and then enter it again.



correct. Please















Memory is full.

Because there is not

Specify whether to use the data or not.



Press [Send] to

enough free hard disk




send the current

space in the machine for




scanned data, or

delivering or sending by




e-mail while storing in




press [Cancel] to





the Document Server,




only some of the pages









could be scanned.









Memory is full.

Because of insufficient

Try one of the following measures:



Cannot scan. The

hard disk space, the first

• Wait for a while, and then retry the



scanned data will

page could not be

scan operation.



be deleted.


• Reduce the scan area or scanning res-








olution. See “Scan Settings”, Scanner










• Delete unneeded stored files. See





“Deleting a Stored File”, Scanner













Memory is full.

Because there is not

Specify whether to use the data or not.



Do you want to

enough free hard disk




store scanned

space in the machine for





storing in the Document




Server, only some of the









pages could be scanned.









No paper. Load

No paper is set in the

Load paper of the sizes listed in the message.



paper of one of

specified paper tray.




the following





sizes, then press





[Start Printing].





A3K, B4K,















Exceeded max.

The scanned original

Specify the scan size and resolution again.



data capacity.

was too large, or its ori-

Note that it may not be possible to scan



Set Original Ori-

entation was not correct.

very large originals at a high resolution.



entation to “R”


Re-loading the original in a different ori-




entation may enable the machine to scan



then press the





large originals.



Start key again.





See “Relationship between Resolution









and Scan Size”, Scanner Reference.