Other Printing Problems

Other Printing Problems

This section explains likely causes of and possible solutions for problems that can occur when printing from a computer.

If prints are not clear







The print on the en-

When D is blinking,

Add toner. See p.64 “Adding Toner”.

tire page is faded.

toner is beginning to



run out.





The print on the en-

The paper is damp.

Use paper that has been stored in the recom-

tire page is faded.


mended temperature and humidity condition.



See “Copy Paper”, About This Machine.




The print on the en-

The paper is unsuitable.

Use the recommended paper. (Printing on

tire page is faded.


coarse or treated paper might result in faint



print image.) See “Copy Paper”, About This







Parts of images are

The paper is damp.

Use paper that has been stored in the recom-

not printed.


mended temperature and humidity condition.



See “Copy Paper”, About This Machine.




White lines appear.

When D is blinking,

Add toner. See p.64 “Adding Toner”.


toner is beginning to



run out.





When printer driver settings are required







The printed image is

With certain func-

In the application, change the layout, character

different from the im-

tions, such as en-

size, and character settings.

age on the computer's

largement and



reduction, image lay-



out might be different



to that on the com-



puter display.





The printed image is

You might have se-

To print an image similar to that of the comput-

different from the im-

lected to replace True

er display, make settings to print True Type

age on the computer's

Type fonts with ma-

fonts as an image. See the printer driver Help.


chine fonts in the



printing process.





When printing

If the printer driver is

If you want to print accurately, set the printer

graphics, the output

configured to use the

driver to print without using the graphics com-

and the screen are

graphics command,

mand. See the printer driver Help.


the graphics com-



mand from the ma-



chine is used to print.





Garbled characters

The correct printer

Set the correct printer language.

are printed.

language might have



not been selected.