Other Printing Problems
Other Printing Problems
This section explains likely causes of and possible solutions for problems that can occur when printing from a computer.
❖If prints are not clear
Problem | Cause | Solution |
The print on the en- | When D is blinking, | Add toner. See p.64 “Adding Toner”. |
tire page is faded. | toner is beginning to |
| run out. |
The print on the en- | The paper is damp. | Use paper that has been stored in the recom- |
tire page is faded. |
| mended temperature and humidity condition. |
| See “Copy Paper”, About This Machine. |
The print on the en- | The paper is unsuitable. | Use the recommended paper. (Printing on |
tire page is faded. |
| coarse or treated paper might result in faint |
| print image.) See “Copy Paper”, About This |
| Machine. |
Parts of images are | The paper is damp. | Use paper that has been stored in the recom- |
not printed. |
| mended temperature and humidity condition. |
| See “Copy Paper”, About This Machine. |
White lines appear. | When D is blinking, | Add toner. See p.64 “Adding Toner”. |
| toner is beginning to |
| run out. |
❖When printer driver settings are required
Problem | Cause | Solution |
The printed image is | With certain func- | In the application, change the layout, character |
different from the im- | tions, such as en- | size, and character settings. |
age on the computer's | largement and |
display. | reduction, image lay- |
| out might be different |
| to that on the com- |
| puter display. |
The printed image is | You might have se- | To print an image similar to that of the comput- |
different from the im- | lected to replace True | er display, make settings to print True Type |
age on the computer's | Type fonts with ma- | fonts as an image. See the printer driver Help. |
display. | chine fonts in the |
| printing process. |
When printing | If the printer driver is | If you want to print accurately, set the printer |
graphics, the output | configured to use the | driver to print without using the graphics com- |
and the screen are | graphics command, | mand. See the printer driver Help. |
different. | the graphics com- |
| mand from the ma- |
| chine is used to print. |
Garbled characters | The correct printer | Set the correct printer language. |
are printed. | language might have |
| not been selected. |